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November 19th, 2022
I have people often asking me what makes for a great photograph. Of course, it depends on many factors: technique, quality of equipment, composition, etc. However, if you don't have the right light, your image will suffer... no matter how good you are technically! In some environments you have some control on your light, such as in a studio. Most of my imaging is of landscapes in which I have little direct control of the light I am using to illustrate my object. Getting great images involves planning, patience, and often times a sacrifice in personal comfort.
As I love both photography and travel, my initial plan, naive as it was, was to incorporate both together: travel and photograph along the way. What could be better! Well, what I soon found out that most of my images, though composed well, were bland and uninteresting... technically great but lacking emotion. The problem: the quality of the light! During the middle of the day, when we are traveling, hiking, kayaking, etc, the light is harsh, shadows minimal, and colors lacking interest. The "Golden Hour," which photographers rave about, is not just about the warmer colors you see as the sun gets lower in the sky: its about the best light.. wonderful shadows for depth, inspiring colors of great emotional quality, wonderful saturation of light! To get that light you need to be there at the right time... early mornings, late afternoon and early evenings. It sometimes means getting up at 4 AM on a summer morning, sacrificing breakfast or supper, hiking in the dark with a headlamp in the cold to or from a remote destination. A case in point is the image above of Magnolia Station, a renovated gasoline station in Vega, Texas, one of many images I captured which working on a pictorial travelogue of old Route 66 (collection: "Get Your Kicks on Route 66.") It was very late in the day in October in this North Texas town and the light was absolutely Fabulous! This time of light... beautiful warm colors against a blue sky, long drawn out shadows providing great depth evoking emotion does not last long and changes quickly! I don't think I even got supper that night as I was so involved with imaging with all of this wonderful light all around me. Times like that when the light is awesome and subjects are great is so intoxicating.... so much so that I feel like having a cigarette after it is over (even though I don't smoke). So try and get out there with your camera when the light is more favorable and I think you will find your images will be more pleasing to the eye and something you can be proud of.
January 25th, 2022
Oh yes! The famous fall Aspens of Colorado! My photo expedition this fall included capturing some of the magnificent gold-colored Aspens of Colorado. Timing is critical and varies in regard to altitude and latitude, and can be tricky. The wife and I timed our trip to venture out into the mountains of Colorado the last week of September, and by good fortune, hit it right on the head. This image was taken at Maroon lake, just South of Aspen Colorado. Because of its popularity there are only a limited number of passes available to drive into the parking lot before Sunrise. It was dark and cold but well worth it as you can see. In my collection, Rocky Mountain High, I have uploaded several images from this location as well as the road to Kebler Pass, another well beloved destination for Aspen lovers. Enjoy my collection of the glorious Fall Aspens of Colorado! If you need more information about how to observe this wonderful spectacle, drop me an email.. it is well worth your time to get out there! Oh, and please "Like" my images if they move you. Blessings, Lonnie
January 22nd, 2017
Hey photographers and nonphotographers alike, it's time to prepare for the Great American Eclipse coming up on August 21, 2017! To view this event at its best, in comfort and safety, will require planning well ahead! You can check out my video on the basics of getting there at: Great sites to visit for more information on this would include,, and I will be adding more later on this page.